Do you know what being in high school feels like? It’s basically a never ending cycle of waking up at 6 a.m., 5 hours of homework, then going to bed at probably midnight. Unfortunately teenagers have to deal with this every day, they plead for the weekend to come faster. Do you want to live that life? And you wonder why teens are so crabby most of the time. High school puts way too much pressure on teenagers with, homework, jobs, and getting little amounts of sleep. Teachers don’t understand how much homework and tests they give their students. Your students don’t have time to study every night, do at least four hours of homework, and do any extracurricular activities. Especially if you're a junior/senior, you have to worry about getting good …show more content…
According to the National Education Association, if you are a senior you are only supposed to have 120 minutes of homework each night. Teachers have well exceeded that point by a landslide, even sophomores have at least four hours or homework each night. Even freshman have a lot of homework, especially if you are taking any AP classes. On CNN a study that was conducted reveals that all of the excessive amount of homework high schoolers get impacts their stress level, physical health problems such as migraines, sleep deprivation, and weight loss. According to “ “, “Fights and conflicts over homework were 200% more likely in families where parents did not have at least a college degree, according to the study.”. So, it’s hard on the parents too because of how long their kids stay trapped in their room inundating in the amount of homework they have. On average high school students spend about three hours on homework each night and 17 hours each week. What is revealed here is how much time teenagers actually spend on homework each week, with how late they have to stay up it’s hard for them to focus during school. This evidence is significant because teachers have exceeded the limit of homework they are supposed to give to their students and that isn’t