What Does Science Know About Dreams Research Paper

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While dreams have a different meaning in other aspects, dreams benefit in people’s health. When people dream, their purpose of the dream is to make them feel good emotionally or other health reasons. For example, dreams are to support good memory and possibly prevent depression. Actually, dreaming can affect a well-being’s health “Good dreaming contributes to our psychological well-being by supporting healthy memory, warding off depression, and expanding our ordinary limited consciousness into broader, spiritual realms” (“What Do Your Dreams…”). Dreams help people in countless of ways; it is beneficial to others. Similarly, in a sleep study conducted by Cartwright, of recently divorced women with clinical depression that was not treated, had …show more content…

Besides the fact that dreams help with depression, dreams as well help cope with trauma or loss. When people suffer nightmares by PTSD, the nightmares are not to make an individual suffer, but instead, it is for them to heal. In the article, “What Does Science Know about Dreams?” by Kelly Bulkeley, he explains that dreams are to assist people to grasp their life when they suffer in some way and get nightmares by it. Specifically, if someone has been through a traumatic experience and constantly gets nightmares by it, the meaning behind the nightmare is for the person to heal; that is to cope with what happened. Dreams are meant to heal the mind and help people get through the hardships of life. Even though dreams help cope with loss, dreams help with mood as well. Indeed a person needs to have a good amount of REM sleep to be able to have a good mood as well as to feel good physically because if not, many will feel unrestful. After all, when individuals do not sleep enough or get to the REM stage of sleep that can lead to difficulty thinking and memorizing …show more content…

There are various meanings as to why individuals dream. In ancient cultures, the purpose of dreams was that cultures could communicate with their gods. Mostly all of the ancient culture's dreams were related to their gods. Some cultures believed their dreams were messages from their god. On the other hand, the Romans believed otherwise, they thought their dreams were to expand the Roman Empire. However, dreams due to psychology were meant to play out the inner, deeper wishes a person has, which is soon after played out in the person’s dream. In addition, dreams are meant to prepare an individual later in life, because dreams produce problems that an individual needs to resolve; which formerly prepares a person with issues that they will face in the future. In fact, dreams are beneficial to individuals because it helps them in numerous ways. Some ways that they help individuals, is that they make people feel good emotionally. When people are in REM sleep and have a right amount of restful sleep, they will most likely be in a better mood; dreams prevent depression or any other sort of negative emotion. Besides the fact that dreams regulate mood, dreams help people cope with traumatic experiences through nightmares; this is sort of a healing method. On the contrary, people believe that dreams have no significant meaning due to the fact that dreams are caused by drugs. For instance, when taking a certain type of