
What Does Self Hate Mean To You Essay

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Think about this; in life we could be completely happy with ourselves and what we do. Happiness will always be sketched into our souls and nothing will be able to get in our way. This is an amazing life that anyone would love to live. But this is a far reality that is blocked by something we usually joke about; self hate. Even though it can be caused by a miniscule thing like a single word from someone else. It is how people can make worse and worse for themselves and can't stop it, and things that self hate can lead up to is what’s dangerous. Self hate is a big issue that we need to take down or else it will be a huge deal. We can make it better, all we need to know is how. Ways that you can help others, and yourself if they/you are going …show more content…

The loner wolf pointed out that something a large amount of people do in under-eat/eating disorders. People do it to reach the “Desired body type” that is mostly arbitrary in the first place. People with a healthy weight for their body take desperate measures to please others and themselves. And a difficult part about under-eating is that most of the time, people that still think they are not at their goal yet even though they are extremely malnourished. Another drastic action that people take to try to hide the hate that they have is social neglectance. They take this measure to have no one see the hate that they have for themselves, and it can change how they are seen completely. They can detach themselves from long and loving friendships, and completely forget about looking towards their future and destroy it bit by bit. Only for them to hide something that they need help with. And one more action is housing self-defeating mindsets. People will somehow find comfort in all of the rude comments and the hurtful actions even though it is destroying them. And then soon it will be the only way they function, and that is not ever healthy for

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