What Is An Example Of A Third-Passage Analysis

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Sophia Huseby
ENES 3100
10 April 2023
Genesis - Passage Analysis Third Draft
It could be argued that in Genesis, Adam and Eve cower from God due to the shame that they feel for going against his wishes and taking a bite out of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge. This, however, is an underwhelming interpretation that lacks a certain nuance and developed understanding of why Adam and Eve covered their bodies and hid from God in the garden. In reality, studying the text in greater detail leads to the realization that this portion of Genesis really tells the tale of the introduction of knowledge into the world, and therefore the introduction of sin. Through the story of Adam and Eve, Genesis suggests that knowledge was an act against God, which …show more content…

Before gaining knowledge, the only impulse that they were to act on was the impulse to follow the demands of God, until Eve felt the impulse to eat the apple. However, as “the eyes of both were opened” (3:7), and their minds were corrupted with darkness that they were once blissfully unaware of, Adam and Eve had to find ways to cope with their new understanding of life. Once they had been ignorant of their own inferiority to God, and were naive to the dangers that the world had. Now, Adam and Eve not only felt shame for ever believing that they could be like God, but also felt vulnerable being exposed. With that came the impulse to cover themselves. To accomplish this, “they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves” (3:7). Their new loincloths that they created were the first human invention, which were created out of necessity to cope with the knowledge of vulnerability and shame. The creation of the loincloths was also the first time that Adam and Eve added something to their lives that God did not intend, which signals the start of individuality. Additionally, when Adam addresses God after he is found hiding from Him, he explains to God that he “heard the sound of you in the garden” (3:10), and he had wanted to hide from him, not only from his nakedness, but also from the shame he felt for trying to become like God and realizing that this was not possible. Adam and Eve lost all naivety and gained a working knowledge of good and evil, which caused them to have to cope with their new understanding, which led to human invention. All inventions are made to serve a purpose, and these loincloths served a purpose that had never been needed before: