Cultural Diversity And Leadership Literature Review

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2. Literature review The literature emphasizes the need for a solid relationship between cultural diversity and leadership in organizations (Ogbonna& Harris, 2000). Though, there is a substantial dispute about how a culture initiates or whether multicultural organizations have any impact on leaders’ decision making process or not. There are various definitions of culture provided by different authors. As stated by Akiner and Tijhuis (2008), there are more than 300 definitions for culture offered by several areas of study. Putty, (2009) outlined culture as a “set of values, attitudes, beliefs, goals, and practices that are shared among people”. It is a mixture of awareness, behaviour, principles and beliefs. Jen-Te Yang, (2007) stated that culture …show more content…

Salk &Brannen, (2000) determined that cultural diversity does not essentially have a destructive influence on team performance. Conflicts most of the time are not affected by diversity but by the organizational environment and how group members’ reply to cultural types.Team cultures may take numerous different methods to arrive at the same conclusion (Salk &Brannen, 2000). Cultural diversity comes to be a significant variable for team success (Claire Halverson 2008, 11). Productivity and satisfaction are enhanced by teamwork and communication. Consequently, cultural diversity has become into an invincibility element of organizational performance in various areas of the globe. Cultural diversity can grant all factors for an efficient synthesis of diverse project management performs and improve team works (Binder …show more content…

By rising trust, obligation and cohesion between team members, leaderships’ decision making processes will be improved (Druskat 2001). Learning and development of team members are now considered essential to understand the team’s efficiency. Learning and development will lead to enhanced teamwork productivity. Moreover, team member development generates constructive reactions that enhance the efficiency of cultural team diversity. (Claire Halverson 2008). A main accountability of cross-cultural leadership is to assist group members belong to diverse cultural backgrounds have a shared concept and to develop a trusted work location. The responsibility of leaders is to present a vision of trust; however, it is still the team’s accountability as a whole to construct a group of trust. Leaderships’ decision making requires influence; this influence can be applied to implement decisions. The influence may be joint with different teams so that employees can have equivalent contributions in creating decisions. Differences in influence sharing in decision making are introductory in the increase of various ideas of leadership (Leithwood&Riehl, 2003; Brunner,