
What Is Disney's Decomposition For Digestible

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Disney’s Decomposition for Digestible Media
The animation industry's biggest titan, Disney, has a common disposition within its films, and that is it’s crunching and twisting of historic stories to fit a common and younger demographic that may find the original content of the tale offensive. One of these films happens to originate from the classic tale of Heracles. Disney has warped the story into an almost unrecognizable adaptation, in order to introduce many themes and values. The drastic alterations made by Disney to the myth really emphasize the necessity of including wholesome values such as determination, monogamy/family values, and comic relief that are essential for the American culture, as opposed to the excessive lack of content filtration …show more content…

Disney added several family themes, such as monogamy and a reinforced relationship between Hercules and Zeus that appears more supportive and parental. The goal was to create a perfect, ideal nuclear family that was more relative to the common audience. Not a lot of American families consist of a wife and a husband that has another thirty seven other wives and other respective children with each. This example also teaches younger audiences about loyalty in relationships, not just of the marital sense. Within the myth, there wasn’t really a shown parental relationship between Zeus and Hercules. This may have been intended as a way to make the family even more relative to youth, who are greatly impacted by this supportive relationship. This family structure created by Disney, sets foundations for what the ideal family should be, supportive and loyal, rather than distant and …show more content…

This is less of a value and more of a writing element, that is prevalent within Disney’s alterations. Comic relief is a common element used to make media seem less dreary or melodramatic, and more upbeat and enjoyable. The film uses this element extensively. One of the biggest examples would be the character, Phil. This character’s entire existence serves one function, humor. His design, voice, and dialogue are all intended for a laugh. The original myth contains little to no comic relief which keeps the story very dramatic and tragic. The use of comic relief can definitely distort the overall mood and accuracy of a story. In this case it definitely altered the accuracy of the story, because with the introduction of the humor, we lost the tragic mood within the

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