What Is It Important To Get Real About What's Important Essay

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Co-curricular purpose “Get Real; about what’s important” What is Value? Value is an amount, as of goods, services, or money, considered to be a fair and suitable equivalent for something else. Everyone has his or her own set of values. Through my participation at “Get Real; About What’s Important” workshop, we did an activity that lists out our values, such as families, materials, memories, and future goals. I learned that our values don’t stay with us through out our life, be independent and sometime we have to get rid of something be able to achieve another. First of all, in this activity, I learned that sometime I have to know and accept that not everything stays the same, such as material. Example: I owned a house, car, and laptop today, but later in life, those values might not stay with me anymore. And there are many reasons that could cause it happen. Maybe I have to sell my house and car if I couldn’t handle the payment. So I need to be more realistic that not everything always stays with me forever. …show more content…

The hardest part it to get rid of family members. But I have to accept the fact that my mom or dad can’t always be there for me, especially when it come to the moment where I have to leave home to go to a university school or work forces, where I have to live by myself .I have to learn how to do things individual and be an independent person. This will assist me in be more successful in college, because in college I have to do mostly everything independent and on my own pace .So it’s good to start learning how to do things

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