The Value Of Delta Sigma Pi Essay

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The values I was taught during my up-bring, helped shape my personality, these values; devotion in relationships and giving back, are what I will be able to bring to the Delta Sigma Pi community as a member. One of the first things I recall my parents teaching me was the importance of relationships. I was taught and now I believe, that it is highly important to be devoted in all relationships I have. My believe to consider relationships more than a transactional process, and my ability to develop personal connections will enable me to contribute to the brotherhood of Delta Sigma Pi. Another value that I hold on to is giving back. I am fortunate enough to have access to resources that have helped me develop as a person and carve a path for myself. However, with this support and availability of resources comes the responsibility to extend those opportunities to others, who don’t have the same resources available. This believe lead me to be highly active with a non-profit program back home in Pakistan. The purpose of the program was to educate the youth of Pakistan. With the help of my fellow classmates, I conducted weekly evening school for the children living on the streets, or belonging to low socio-economics backgrounds. I am aware that Delta Sigma Pi is also highly active in giving back to the community, be it tirelessly dancing for 36 hours to raise awareness and funds for kids at the Riley Hospital or organizing an annual gala to raise funds for the American Cancer Research Society. My passion for giving back to the community could be beneficial in increasing the impact of Delta Sigma Pi’s philanthropic endeavors. …show more content…

However, becoming a part of this community would present me with opportunities to not only contribute to the community but also gain valuable knowledge from the