Virginia Wizard Application Essay Sample

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From completing the Virginia Wizard assessments, I was able to full grasp what I want to study and attempt to achieve in college. I already know that I am a science orientated person, and the Virginia Wizard helped reassure me with this opinion based on its feedback. With the skills assessment Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math ranked highest in my skills, which agrees with my mindset which I held before. My interests assessment told me that I am a conventional person, but also investigative. I enjoy being given a problem, and then figuring out how to solve that problem; not only do I solve the problem, but I am curious to understand why the solution works. Furthermore, my values assessment informed me that my value type is support. While I do enjoy working alone and making my own progress, I could never reach as high as I do academically without the moral and physical support of others. …show more content…

With the possible careers that were given to me, most of them resided in the Science and Math sector, and agreed with the subjects that I am strong in. Ranking near the topic of possible careers for me were being an accountant, a physicist, a pharmacist, and an astronomer. All of these careers sounded amazing to me, but I’ll eventually have to pick one and stick with it. Moreover, I was already interested in becoming a pharmacist; I had done a lot of research on the requirements for becoming a pharmacist so I had a lot of knowledge, but the possibility of working in the physics sector seemed slightly more appealing to me. The Virginia Wizard assessment provide me a new career that I will further investigate into: