What Is Oestara's Eagerness?

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Current Understandings:
Oestara has demonstrated a significant amount of growth in many areas at school. Her creativity, kindness, and positive attitude make her a valued friend to her peers. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to her peers and teachers. Oestara has developed an eagerness to try new things, actively participate in learning activities and persist and overcome things that may challenge her. Oestara has gained lots of confidence in making new friends and being an active participant in group learning activities. She has learned to communicate her ideas and feelings to the class with confidence and independence. Oestara shows respect and active listening to the ideas of her peers. She has adjusted to our daily routine, and is independent and responsible with her belongings.

Oestara attentively listens to stories and shows a love for developing her own storytelling and listening to other’s ideas and stories. When listening to stories, she is able to make connections to personal experiences and prior knowledge. She demonstrates comprehension by asking questions, predicting and retelling different parts of the story. She demonstrates and eagerness to develop her own writing skills and ability to represent her ideas. She enjoys observing other’s work …show more content…

She enjoys learning how to use new mediums of art. Oestara has demonstrated a significant improvement of drawing with different shapes and lines and adding details and different colours to her journal ideas. She pays attention to detail and spends careful time and effort completing the artistic process. Oestara is gaining the confidence to contribute to our group song and dance and will often join in full-heartedly after having some time to observe and warm up. Oestara loves making different foods in the mud kitchen and sharing her creative ideas and recipes with her