What Is Race Difference Due To Lack Of Education

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Race difference due to lack of education “On average ( Negroes/ blacks/African-Americans) have worse jobs, income, and housing than white people. Do you think these differences are: Because most (Negros/Black/African-Americans) don’t have the chance for education that it takes to rise out of poverty?” The dependant variable, race differences due to lack of education, was chosen because of my personal desire to become a teacher in socially impoverished areas. I truly believe the quality of education that one receives is one of the most important factors for an individual in a society. Therefore, the racial difference due to lack of education can be used as an indicator for an individual’s well being. Especially if there is a separation of the quality of education due to race. The livelihood of an individual is effected by other factors based off the lack of education like job placement, lifestyle, and an individuals capabilities. The level of the difference due to the lack of education is nominal type of measurement. Furthermore, the respondants were distributed by either choosing yes or no to answer this insightful question on education. With that being said, 693 respondents, which make up just about 53.6% of the valid answers, …show more content…

Those who have not completed High school, thus not receiving their high school degree will most likely enter the secondary labor market, which are typically low paying jobs. Therefore, it is critical for an individual to reach and receive the highest degree of education that they possibly can because it guarantees a higher level of prestige in society as well as significantly higher pay. I chose the variable ‘Highest Degree’ to see the general consensus of the educational degree that respondents have received, which in return effects their well being by the detrimental factor of