
What Is Suicide In College Essay

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For this research paper, the topic of suicide among college students will be discussed. Specific aspects of this topic that will be discussed are the definition of “suicide” and “suicidal ideation”, which will also include the differences between the two. The factors (whether it be intrapersonal, environmental, or family) that may cause an individual, who is in college, to have suicidal ideation. As well as the implementation of programs that can either educate students about the factors of suicidal ideation or how individuals who are suffering from suicidal ideation can get help. A comparison will also be made to another country to show the rates of suicides/suicidal ideation among college students in order to get an idea of how prevalent suicide among college students in the United States and other parts of the world are.
This topic was selected for research is because the author has some personal connections to it. The author has experienced the loss of someone to suicide in high school. Moving onto to college, while developing friendships with others, the author has further experienced friends attempting to commit suicide (even one …show more content…

Suicide is death caused by self-inflicted harmful behavior with the intent to die as a result of that behavior and suicidal ideation are thoughts about committing acts/behaviors that are harmful to oneself that could result in one’s death (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Suicidal ideation also includes the planning of an act to end one’s life. These self-inflicted harmful behaviors can consist of anything to using a weapon to end one’s life (guns or hanging oneself) to self-medication that leads to overdosing. Some symptoms that individuals, who feel someone they know may be “suicidal”, need to look out for are (Rogge, Zieve, & Ogilive,

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