What Is The Case Of Palm Beach County V. Bryce Zimpfer

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The case of Palm Beach County vs Mr. Bryce Zimpfer
Mr. Bryce Zimpfer is a 53 years old employee of Palm Beach County, he has been with this employer for 16 years. Mr. Zimpfer is alleging that his employer is in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967 (ADEA). The legal definition of discrimination is an employment decision making or working conditions that are unfairly advantageous (or disadvantageous) to a member or members of one protected group compared to members of another protected group.
A position of Employee Relation Manager became available in the Palm Beach County Human Resources Department. Mr. Zimpfer made sure that he was qualified for the position. The current position that Mr. Zimpfer was doing and the new …show more content…

Zimpfer was informed that he was not selected for the position. The position was filed by Brad Merriman, age 33. Out of all the applicants that were considered this was the least qualified applicant. Since this was an outside employee and not very experience. This ordeal was very upsetting to Mr. Zimpfer so he filed a complaint with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Mr. Zimpfer also retained a legal counselor Ms. Lynn Szymoniak in his defense of these allegations. Ms. Szymoniak retained the services of a industrial psychologist name Dr. Marcy to examine the resumes of the other job applicants. The staff’s objective was to shed light on whether Mr. Zimpfer was more qualified for the position than Mr. Merriman.
Yes, accordingly to legal definition of discrimination and the stature of the EEOC age was a unfair disadvantageous to Mr. Zimpfer. Looking at all other qualification this was the only dis advantage for Mr. Zimpfer. Therefore, age would be the grounds for not hiring Mr. Zimpfer for this position.
The qualification for the position was spelled in the job vacancy posting nature of the work, example of the work, and required knowledge and skills. The position description was very clear for the Employee Relation Manager. Mr. Zimpfer qualification equaled or exceeded the applicant that was selected for the position. Regardless of the qualification Brad Merriman was selected for the