
What Is The Conflict In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926 in the city of Monroeville, Alabama. Harper Lee grew up as a tomboy in a small town in Alabama. Lee is known for her widely acclaimed novels, To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman. Her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is seen as an autobiography of her life, because of the similarities between Scout (a main character in the novel) and herself. Growing up Lee’s father was a lawyer and owned part of the local newspaper. Nelle’s childhood best friend was Truman Capote, who later became a writer as well. In high school Lee became fascinated with English literature; however for a certain amount of time she studied law in college. Lee attended various schools such as: Huntingdon College, University of …show more content…

Jean Louise Finch “Scout” is the protagonist of the novel, because the entire conflict is written in her perspective. Scout is around six years old during the time of this novel and goes to elementary school with her brother Jem who goes along with her during this novel. Scout is the daughter of Atticus Finch who is the lawyer that defends Tom Robinson’s case against the antagonist, Bob Ewell. Tom Robinson is a black man who was married and had three children and worked as a working field hand. He was accused of raping Bob Ewell’s daughter Mayella because Bob Ewell beat her very badly and didn't have any other way to cover it up. After the “trial” he was proven “guilty” and put in prison, later to be shot trying to climb the wall of the prison. But they didn't shoot him once they shot him seven times which was of course way more shots than usual to kill someone. It wasn't a real trial because everyone in the jury and everyone in the town thought Tom Robinson did it because he was black and everyone during that time would always believe a white man over a black man. Scout and Jem are in conflict with believing that there could be and or is good and evil that can coexist within the same person. Scout and Jem are forced to grow up faster than anyone else and are forced to learn the most because they don't know anything and are establishing their own

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