What Is The Cost Of Living In Afghanistan Essay

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Afghanistan is a poor country today as it was years ago. I say that they struggle from the Taliban and their Landlocked country. Afghanistan has troubles from then till now. Economically, Socially and Politically. In fact, they are even starting to dig up bones for money, make secret societies for girls and even making girls look like boys. Afghanistan has struggled so much it has come down to this and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Afghanistan is struggling socially because of the Taliban and their stupid rules, some days people would want to be anywhere away from Afghanistan just that they don’t have to listen to the Taliban. The reasons that Afghanistan is nonsocial is because of the women they are forced to stay inside and not share news of what happens in Afghanistan or they will be tortured or even killed. Those days aren’t over though. Now there are neighbors against neighbors and when war strikes it is every last man for themselves. Normally, Afghanistan is a place of war. It’s landlocked with no water in miles. …show more content…

People in Afghanistan are run by the Taliban because no one wants to go up against them. Politically they have no hope against them. Afghanistan people live in fear to do anything. Therefore people have to see people killed and eaten by wild dogs and by tortured if they step out of line the Taliban and their stupid rules is all that caused this. They say that if you vote that you will be tortured. Or that if you are a girl outside without a permission slip or with a guy you will be mistreated. (Taliban Attacks Girls video) The Taliban has done so much to the people that they listen to the rules and the only one they break is going to Pakistan.(Breadwinner pg. 165) Friends are willing to shot friends if they are on opposing teams and faithfully kill them. Afghanistan struggles Politically because of the Taliban and the war that affects the land and the