Kansas Bank Mission Statement

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Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Mission Statement Analysis

While I have been employed at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (the Bank) for six months I have had the privilege of learning more about our country’s monetary policies and the role that the entire Federal Reserve Bank System plays in providing supervision and regulation oversight. The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 as part of the Federal Reserve Act. The purpose of the Federal Reserve and the continuing function of the Federal Reserve are to provide the nation with safe and stable monetary policies. The Bank has defined our overall identity into three main areas; our mission, our vision, and our values. Our mission is to “contribute to monetary policy, provide …show more content…

The mission statement does not cover the actual processes or how the Bank will actually accomplish the vision, however the mission statement does indicate the responsibilities that we have. The Bank’s number one priority is monetary policy and fiscal regulation oversight to make recommendations that allow the country to be fiscally responsible and stable. This is clearly identified within the mission statement and the banks main objectives are identified as well.
Within our organization there is a lot of emphasis placed on collaboration. The collaboration does not stop with our project teams internally, but to collaborate with other project teams.
This extends to our customers, other Federal Reserve districts, and always ensuring that we are plugged into the public as well. These combined levels of collaboration ensure that the Bank shares our common goals and that we always have a sense of togetherness. The bank takes a very serious stance on being fiscally responsible and takes measures to make sure that every action we do from purchasing to project resource allocation, that it is done in a manner that is in alignment with our mission to provide supervisory and regulatory oversight. The bank has a fiscally responsible philosophy and we set the example we want others to follow and