What Is The Role Of Employability As A Sport Graduates In Cardiff Metro University

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How do Cardiff Metropolitan University (Cardiff School of Sport) students feel about their course for getting them employed?

Literature review

The research being done here will be based on employability as a sport graduate in Cardiff Metropolitan University. Employability according to Yorke ( 2004) is “a set of achievements - skills, understandings and personal attributes - that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy”. Employability can be defined as the the knowledge or skills that a person possess which help them in getting employed and which is what the employers look for in a graduate.

After researching quite …show more content…

(2004). Employability in Higher Education: What it is – What it is not? York: The Higher Education Academy.

Wilson, J. , And Rothery, K. (2013). The Impact of Sport on Graduate Employability.

Lowden, K, Hall, S, Elliot, D & Lewin, J (2011). Employers Perceptions of the employability skills of a new graduate. Egde Foundation. London. pp 4-14

Purcell, K, Elias, P , Atfield, G, Behle, H, Ellison, R & Snape, J (2012). Futuretrack Stage 4: Transitions into Employment, Further Study and other Outcomes. Summary Report, http://www.hecsu.ac.uk/assets/assets/documents/Futuretrack_Stage_4_Final_report_6th_Nov_2012.pdf Tchibozo,G.(2007).Extra-curricular Activity and the Transition from Higher Education to Work: A Survey of Graduates in the United Kingdom. Higher Education Quarterly. 61 (1). pp. 37-56.

Dacre Pool, L., and Sewell, P. (2007) The Key to Employability: Developing a Practical Model of Graduate Employability. Education and Training. 49 (4). pp. 277-289.

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