What Is The Theme Of Always Running By Luis Luez

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Always Running After reading the book Always Running, it gave me a different insight upon the life of Luis Rodriguez. He gave every young adult something to relate to after they read this book. He let everyone know what happens when you run to the streets to make yourself feel a part of something like a family of which he did not feel at home or at school. He was not just informing readers, but he told his story, along with every experience he had that was relevant to his upbringing. His life was very unstable which had a lot to do with who he was as a person which he himself could not properly identify. I believe that Luis told us his story because there are many people who can relate to at least one event in the book written by Luis …show more content…

Luis’ mother wishes to move back to Mexico but his father refuses to leave Los Angeles. Luis tells readers that his family moves homes a lot which results in Luis’ life being very unstable. He recalls living with various different people and family members and never truly being appreciated by his family. He was bullied and his brother would boss him around having authority over Luis. Growing up he was not the smartest or most talented child, because he always just went with what was thrown at him, or in other terms, he “went along with the flow.” He did not really have enough power within himself to make choices because everyone normally told him what to do. He started getting more involved in the life of the streets and started becoming a part of “clicks.” He got arrested numerous times and had many phone calls from school to his mother. Overall, it was all he knew, that whole life became who he …show more content…

It matters what you do with what you were blessed with. The people of the streets are the ones who formed society, the ones who the police worked every day to get out of the streets. That gave Chicanos the pride to keep running the streets the way that they did. Police could not stop the groups or families that were formed by these people. They were always going to be together because they were all each other had. They did it in the beginning to feel a part of something significant, and they wanted to feel like they were important to people. These groups turned into what people called gangs and they became dangerous because they were now used to protect one another from any other groups. I do not think these people do it to be a threat to society, I think they do I to feel superior to others, to feel