What Is The Thesis Of Attention Whole Food Shoppers By Lily Wong

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Cynthia Ponce
Professor Iserhien
English 3
Essay 2 outline
Food is an integral part of human existence and plays a significant role in shaping our identity, culture, and lifestyle choices. As Lily Wong argues in "Eating the Hyphen," the food we eat and the way we consume it reflect our cultural and ethnic background and shape our sense of self. Similarly, Brillat-Savarin's "Physiology of Taste: Aphorisms of the Professor" explores the complex nature of taste and pleasure in relation to food, highlighting how our culinary preferences and practices are shaped by social, cultural, and historical factors. Meanwhile, Robert Paarlberg's "Attention Whole Foods Shoppers" offers a critical analysis of the modern food movement and its impact …show more content…

She argues that food is a powerful tool for preserving cultural identity and transmitting it to future generations. Wong describes her own experience of eating dumplings with ketchup and a fork, which she acknowledges as being inauthentic to traditional Chinese culture. Wong's choice to eat dumplings in this way, despite feeling ashamed and embarrassed, reflects the influence of her American upbringing and her desire to connect with her Chinese heritage In the article she writes “Somehow, I’ve come to strange terms with these contradictions. Somewhere along the way, dumplings, cut in half with ketchup on the meat and the skin separated as a special entity of its own, have become my comfort food. So whether or not it perverts some thousand-year-old tradition of the “proper” way to eat dumplings, this is what makes me happy.” (Wong,2016) This shows a connection between Wong and the two cultural identities she identifies …show more content…

However, it is important to recognize that our food choices are also influenced by social and economic factors, such as income and access to healthy food options. Savarin’s aphorisms listed reflect on different aspects of food culture and its significance in our lives. They highlight the impact of food on our identity, social interactions and wellbeing, and stress the importance of making conscious choices about how we consume

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