What Is Wrong Persuasive Speech

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I believe things happen for a reason. Like somehow before our time, our wholes lives are planned out, and karma is a reward or a punishment that you get from the decisions you make. It happens to everyone, maybe not right at that moment, but one day in life it will get you. For example, maybe you gave a homeless person a couple dollars to eat, later in life maybe you'll walk across $100 dollars. It can also be bad karma, like if you were to take money out of a homeless person's cup, the later in life you get robbed for something. I believe that's just how it goes. Either you give and receive, and you don't always have to give money or an object of some sort. Maybe you made way of your day to do charity work, or helping out at some type of event. This is where I believe the saying “What goes around, comes around”, because the same thing can happen, and it's bound to happen to you because of the good choices you have made. I am also not saying go out and do good stuff because you just want good stuff to happen to you, because you might disappoint yourself if it doesn't exactly workout in your favor. I think the point of it is to keep the world going round, and help someone in need. …show more content…

I believe every sin you commit comes back around to get you. Some people don't really believe it as much, but if they do sin, and something so happened to go wrong, they would call it a coincidence. For example, maybe you desperately needed something, but you know you don't have enough money for it so you steal it. Not saying that it is alright to steal, but you just needed it. Later in life maybe something gets taken from you, or your house gets robbed. I don't think karma has an extent, that's why you never take your chances with it, because it would most likely not to work out in your