What Is Zinc Analyses The Reduction Of Nitrate To Nitrite

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1. Take heavily grow organism with the help of loop and incoculate in nitrate broth. 2. Incubate at 370C for 24 to 48 hrs. 3. Add 5-6 drops of sulfanilic acid & 5-6 drops of alpha-napthylamine to each broth. a) If you get a red color, then you can stop at this point. Because color change to RED indicates a “POSITIVE nitrate reduction test”. b) No color change that means no nitrite present. That will be possible because nitrate was reduces to nitrite, then nitrite was further reduced to some other molecules. You must proceed next step, if you get no red color. 4. Then add a small amount of ZINC DUST to each broth. Zinc catalyses the reduction of nitrate to nitrite. a) Now tube turns a RED color that indicates a “NEGATIVE nitrate reduction

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