What Makes George Washington A Good President

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The American's presidency tradition has carried onto this very day. Our country had had many great presidents who did great things for our countries. But there is one who started it all. He was the first president of the United States, and also known as the "Father of the Nation". George Washington is indeed one of the best presidents our country has ever had. The citizen's adoration for him was endless, and his achievements and history still lives on today in our books and part of our education system. Washington did not start out to be a president, "He believed so strongly in that (running 2 terms only) concept that he refused to run for a third term." (Paragraph 3, Father of Our Nation), before his presidency, he was a general who fought at the front line of most battles. With such incredulous leadership skills, this lead him to becoming the well known Commander in Chief of the American Army. This title stuck with him when he was rewarded the title of presidency. Nothing had changed when he took the title, and sworn in oath. He stood tall and fought continuosly in the Revolutionary War. After all that he did, he never backed away from his position and his duties as president or commander in chief. "After the war, Washington, again, was interested in retiring from public life, but he was never one to turn …show more content…

From building libraries, to handling the Civil War with intelligence, and tying the nation back together and building schools, George Washington had started it all. He was one of our great Founding Fathers of the Constitution, and without a start, there would be nothing. In the same manner, Washington did fought to keep our country from invasion. He was not the type of president to have power over his head and demand unreasonable things. Even after the war, he was one to lead the country back to peace and keep the nation safe and away from