What Makes Katniss Successful

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The Hunger Games has been a book that I could not possibly put down, It is amazing and most likely one of the best books I have ever read. Katniss has defied all odds and scored an 11 for a training score, which is the highest score possible. She has done remarkably well, A lot of people really believe that she has the strength to do it. I predict that she can do it because she has proven to be a great opponent. Katniss is being hunted by her adversary’s. All the life that is within her is fighting to survive. She climbs a tree in hopes that it will provide the safety she is looking for. The people chasing her are called careers, they have trained all their lives to be in the games. One of the careers spots Katniss. They know that she can not stay there forever, so they camp out at the base of the tree. What will happen next? Katniss has been chosen for the games, the highest score that someone could get is a 11, which is the score that Katniss got. Does that mean that she is the best? Not necessarily, but with her artifice she stands a …show more content…

This book has had me at the edge of my seat. This book is like a steering wheel, I can’t let go. Everything that happens makes me more and more anxious. If I were in her position I would not know what to do. Who to trust? Who to kill? I wouldn't even be able to kill anyone because I would feel very bad. Making those decisions have got to be very hard for Katniss, because just choosing what I want for dinner is hard for me. Katniss has got to make some extremely tough decisions to survive. I predict that she will make the right ones and make it to the end. In one part Madge, Katniss’s friend gives her a pendant, a mockingjay. I think that it is a clue to the next book. Maybe it will be a bigger deal in the next book. I predict that Katniss will survive the games against the odds because there are 3 other