What Makes Me Research Paper

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What makes me me? Introduction The question of “What makes me me?” can’t be answered with simply either nature or nurture in my opinion. I believe that it is a combination of both and can’t be solely one of them. As we grow older and exhibe our own behavior I find the traits personality theory (or called dispositional theory) the most definitive theory from my perspective. I believe that it paints a more realistic picture of how a person truly is. I also see it as something that will define who we are as individuals and the core aspects of it will not change. Agents of socialization will discard any undesirable traits or behaviors making the person into a more uniform individual. States of Consciousness In psychology there is five levels of consciousness, high level, low level, altered state, subconscious, and no awareness at all. The meaning of consciousness itself is how aware we are of our environment and ourselves. Consciousness is a huge factor of what makes me who I am. If I am learning a new subject, activity, or whatever it might be I will be at a high consciousness level. As I learn what I am focusing on it will become second nature. This makes people able to do things more efficient and still focus on other tasks at hand when that becomes a low consciousness level task. For example, I am trying to type notes while …show more content…

Then it leads to the nurture point of view which can undo what the genetic makeup were. Abuse can lead to physical complications as said in a PBS article, “Even physical ailments, like type 2 diabetes and heart disease, are more likely in adults who were abused as kids (Nelsen, 2014).” So a good or bad childhood will determine what makes me who I am. Living in a poorer household also leads to more stress based on the PBS article which inhibits learning. More responsibility is given to a child in a poorer household which also leads to more