What Makes Me Unique Essay

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What makes me unique from others is that I studied in Yemen in the Middle East and this means I am bilingual in English and Arabic. I came to the United States to enter the UC and finish my studying. I work for seven7 hours a day, and oin weekends I work ten10 hours, but I always try to make some time for studying. I lived with my brother who had finish in calstate and he having a good life he always support my in any help I need and he always cheered me up to go to the UC always try my best and never give up on my goal. I have always tried my hardest for anything that challenge me, and never give up on my dream, I’m on the right track right now and Ii will always try to stay in it, I always loved engneering such as petroleum engineering …show more content…

I have a lot of favorite class which I enjoy them all and one of the most and best subject to me which a alwaysed loved is chemistry, I alwaysed loved chemistry because it make me inspire on the world of science it have a lot of things going on it, It can do things you never think that it could happen, In such one hour you could learn a lot of things in this universe and other, Chemistry have a lot of things in it and what made it my favorite is that we can do a lot of different experiments about a lot of different thing and another thing is that every day you learn something new because it always going on it never stop it inspire me every day by something never came to my brain, I wasn't that much into science untal I entered the world of chemistry which made it a part of my life, A second reason is that it contain math with is my second favorite class however I have even interested on the scientist and the geniuses in the past such as John Dalton and other which made a big difference in the science world I also love how is chemistry is really helpful in our life which mean it is used in a lot of the things in our life beside that chemistry is the answer if any question that doesn't have a answer, with chemistry we could make things that didn’t exist yet with chemistry you could open a door for the umpasebal solution, and these are a few point which made me love this class and made me into