
What Obstacles Do We Use To Be 100, 000 Cheetahs

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Did you know there use to be 100,000 cheetahs roaming around world? If so you probably also know how many there are now. The 13,000 cheetahs left in the world should be thriving, but there are many obstacles causing them to suffer. The obstacles vary from overgrazing to capturing, and people are involved in almost every one of them. Some people think cheetahs are decreasing on their own, but if that was true why would cheetah conservationists still need to fight extremely hard to end the illegal pet trade and prevent farmers shooting cheetahs.
Cheetahs use to live in 44 countries with a population of 100,000. They thrived in all of Africa because they had food, water, and a place to live. Now they are one of the world's most endangered species with only 10,000-13,000 cheetahs left and 23% living in Africa. This is because of all these things caused by humans like overgrazing, hunting, capturing, and human expansion. Human expansion is when people take the cheetah's habitat and use some of the land for other things. This causes the number of animals an area can hold to shrink which means less food for cheetahs which results in less cheetahs. …show more content…

When livestock is harmed the cheetahs are blamed because unlike the nocturnal animals they are out in the day. Most of the time nocturnal animals like wolves and coyotes kill livestock and get away with it. Farmers only remember seeing the cheetah the day before, and that causes them to shoot the cheetahs. Farmers still say they are just protecting their livestock which they are, but they should take in consideration the many other animals that could have killed their

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