What Role Did Religion Play In The Revolutionary War

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The American Revolutionary War was a pivotal moment in American history and many events after were determined by the war, one of these was religion. It is the time when America had broken away from Britain and earned its independence. In many points of history, groups of people have had to make decisions for their rights and their futures. There are reasons, big and small, for why the American revolutionary war happened, but one of the main reasons is because of the harsh taxation by Britain to pay for the French and Indian (Native American) War. In Virginia, much was changed and was one of the colonies that supported the secede from Great Britain from a religious and revolutionary standpoint. It was the state with people who played key roles …show more content…

If it was right in the eyes of God, then the American people were more confident about the war and did not disapprove it as much. This was said in a sermon that told about the American attempts,"..the cause of truth, against error and falsehood...the cause of pure and undefiled religion, against bigotry, superstition, and human invention...in short, it is the cause of heaven against hell - of the kind Parent of the Universe against the prince of darkness, and the destroyer of the human race.” (God Arising And Pleading His People's Cause; Or The American War . . . Shewn To Be The Cause Of God). Even before the Stamp Act, nonconformist of religion were standing up to Britain on their own. In fact, 25 years before the war they were questioning state rights and even their ties with Britain. This was called the Great Awakening and that affected American Protestantism. Going into the war, there were two sides of religion. The two sides were British Anglican churches or the American side to win and free themselves from Britain’s tyranny. To break away and to win would mean that God was biased toward America and that they would have good fortune from there on. Some British, even before the war, traveled to America to get away from the lack of religious freedom there. Their knowledge and urge to defeat Britain helped the religious freedom cause even …show more content…

If there were not religious factors during, before, during, and after the war, nothing might have changed if certain events before the war did not happen or religion might have changed the outcome. The results might have changed due to the strong beliefs people had toward their God and what He could do. Without religion, people may not have believed that they had a chance to win. After the war, people had a sense of having more options and have pride. Religion have persons a feeling of protection during the war, and were given the confidence to fight for what they believed. Religion may not have been the main cause, or even a major factor in the American Revolutionary war, but it had unseen effects that can go unnoticed. Liberty was spread all over America, for many reasons, and the people felt free from Britain’s