What Stage Are You Still In Relation To Softball Or Sports

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In 1967 Mr.Fitts and Mr.Posner presented the theory ‘The process of learning motor skills.’ It states that everyone goes through three main stages while learning a motor skills. The three stages are the Cognitive Stage, Associative Stage and the Autonomous Stage. Everyone starts with the Cognitive Stage, where the person is understanding what to do, this is done by feeding the person with knowledge about the skill, this knowledge can be visual or verbal(mostly: stage instructions,guidance, slow motion drills, video analysis, augmented feedback etc.). Motor learning begins with the cognitive stage and the processing of information.The person tries to process information to try to understand the requirements and parameters of motor movement. …show more content…

Currently I am understanding on what to do and what skills there are. This knowledge can be visual or verbal(mostly: stage instructions,guidance, slow motion drills, video analysis, augmented feedback etc.) I am trying to process information to try to understand the requirements and parameters of motor movement. I ingest the information given and organise it in a way to create a motor program. When I started applying the skills that I learned about there were Errors. This is normal in the cognitive stage because I am trying to learn and understand the movement of the skills.

How can you move to the next stage, what do you need to do?

Moving onto the next stage is a big step and requires practice,patients and time. In order for me to move to the next stage I will have to move from what to do to how to do perform the skills. I will now have to understand my body better and understand how my body is moving in space and what input is being felt from their joints and muscles. When I understand my body and combine this with my understanding of the skills I will reach the next stage- Associative