
What Theme Does Elie Wiesel Show Courage In The Book Night

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During the early through mid 1940s an event called the Holocaust would plague the European nation where a group of called the “Nazis” would imprison six million Jews, 5 million of them being prisoners of War (The National World War Two Museum). One prisoner named Elie Wiesel would recount his experience going through the Holocaust in his book “Night.” In this book he would show a general theme of Under the most horrifying circumstances, human beings will show tremendous strength, courage, and compassion.

The first aspect that supports the theme is humans will show tremendous strength under the most horrifying circumstances. In the book Elie tells of a time when there was a sabotage by the Dutch Ober Kapo, both him and his Pipel were …show more content…

An instance where the book connects to the theme is, in the book, Moishe tells Elie “I wanted to return to Sighet to describe to you my death so that you might ready yourselves while there is still time to life? I no longer care to live.” (Wiesel 7) He had been through, he still stayed alive after all that he experienced. As well as being r (rejected of that. Moishe shows courage because he came back to a place to a place that caused his death. Even after that he tried to warn people to run away before his fate becomes there’s, but they don’t, and that takes courage. The theme is shown when Elie while describing Buna, he tells “Hundreds of eyes were watching his every move. Hundreds of men were crawling with him, scraping their bodies with his on the stones. All hearts trembled, but mostly with envy. He was the one who had dared.” (Wiesel 59) If a German soldier sees this man than he is dead, he is risking his life after what he sought after. By this he is showing courage because he tried to get what he was after, it was a tremendous risk that he took, and that takes

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