What Were The Causes Of The War Of 1812

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The War of 1812 was a series of battles fought between Britain and The United States. The war was approved on June 18th of 1812, and basically ended in a stalemate between the two. The Treaty of Ghent, which was signed on December 24th 1814, and then was ratified February 18th of the following year officially ending the war. There was not one sole reason of the war, in fact, there were many. Causes included the attempts of the British to limit U.S. trade and the impressment of American Seamen, the U.S.'s urge to expand their territory (Manifest Destiny), and lastly, American Pride. One of the major causes of the war was the maritime issues going on between the United States and Great Britain. The root of the maritime crisis was dug deep way before this war even began. In the early 19th century, the Napoleonic Wars fought …show more content…

England and France were basically pulling a tug-o-war rope and not making any progress on the battlefield, so they came up with the idea that that the most sensible way to gain victory would be to annihilate the other sides trade. Unfortunately for the U.S., they were the prime trading country with France and Great Britain. Both of the countries basically set up barricades to stop trade; Orders of Council and the Berlin-Milan Decree were the names of the blockades set up by the two countries. The British took it so far that they even started capturing American Ships on the waters.The Committee on Foreign Relation recollected this activity by basically saying that no matter what we say, Great Britain is seizing every American ship and taking our seamen. A particular instance of impressment was the

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