
What Will Help You Write In New Genre Essay

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What Will Help You Write in New Genre?
There’s a big difference between writing well and writing well in various genres. No matter how experienced and skilled in one genre a writer is, they might face serious challenge after deciding to try a new genre.
However, when it comes to a tough choice of sticking to a well-known genre or trying something new, I definitely recommend doing the second. The more genres you master, the more experienced you’ll get; moreover, you’ll improve your own writing style and strengthen your skills this way. And what writer doesn’t want to become a better one, after all?
When you decide to try yourself in a new genre, you might find yourself stuck, unable to decide where to start. Don’t worry: I can help you with that. Here are some simple but useful tips for those who want to start …show more content…

Define the rhetorical elements of a genre.
In order for your writing to be good, you need to find out what are the rhetorical elements of a chosen genre. Even if you’ve learned its features, this still isn’t enough: you need to understand the audience you’re writing for and a purpose of your writing.
For example, if this genre is usually preferred by young adults, there’s no point in making your writing too complex and full of heavy philosophy. In this case, it’s better to focus on how to make your audience relate to what you’re writing and maybe to include some references that will be easy for them to find and understand.
Understanding a purpose is very important too: you need to know not only what you’re writing but also why you are writing it. Every text has to deliver some kind of message and if this message is unclear even for you, there’s a big chance your readers won’t understand it too.
Don’t worry: a writing usually has a message even if you don’t know it yet. Think about it and try to understand it: after all, this will not only help you deliver it clearly but also will make things like writing summary easier.
4. Try writing in this

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