
Billy Collins Commencement At Choate-Rosemary Hall

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A genre is how a piece of writing is classified, this is can vary depending on who the reader is. A few examples of different types of genres include: persuasive, memoirs, comics, or blogs. A genre can be determined by many different elements. These elements are, style, design, audience, purpose, sources, and modes and medias. Style and design are similar when analyzing a piece. Style is referring to the language the author uses and how it is pieced together, while design refers to the physical appearance of a piece, like headers or chapters. The audience of a piece can refer to not only who is reading the piece of literature at the time but also who the piece was written for. Every author has a purpose for writing whether it is to inform or …show more content…

The style of the “Commencement at Choate-Rosemary Hall” uses many words that point to the idea of reflection and words that are more serious. For example, in the commencement Collins uses statements like “Let us remember” and “I’m going to deliver a call for slowing down, for quietness”. The design used within this piece of literature does not have headings or chapters since it is a speech, but does have many different paragraphs. The audience for Billy Collin’s piece was originally those attending the graduation at Choate-Rosemary Hall since it is a commencement speech, but now mostly younger people that are wrapped up in their daily lives and don’t take time to appreciate everything around them. Collins states that he “Is not going to ask you to rush bravely into the fray of life. In fact, he is going to do the opposite.” The purpose of this commencement address is to encourage the young people in society to slow down and take time out of their lives to reflect since life goes very fast. The source for the “Commencement Address at Choate-Rosemary Hall” is the personal experience of Billy Collins and how quickly one grows up. The mode and media of this piece has changed since it was originally a speech given at graduation but is not on a website for people to read. The genre of “The Commencement Address at Choate-Rosemary Hall” is a speech as well as an informative

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