What You Eat Is Your Business Analysis

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The public still would choose to eat the fast food even if the fast-food company’s put warning labels on their products to warn them that it is bad for the consumer. We cannot blame the fast food industry for making our own choices. In the easy and by Radley Balko “What You Eat Is Your Business” he gives his opinion about choices on diet and exercise. Balko talks about a program where Time magazine and ABC News will host a three day summit on obesity and the program is called “How to Get Fat Without Really Trying” and bunch of other programs that is run by the government. He says that Politicians have already climbed aboard “President Bush earmarked $200 million in his budget for anti-obesity measures.”(Balko 467). They are trying to reduce obesity by banning snacks and soda form school campuses and vending machines. Congress wants to force restaurants to send every menu items …show more content…

Blako says that this is the wrong way to fight obesity; The government should be trying to teach and foster us about our health but that government is doing the opposite. He says that for a long time now the people are worried about what the other people instead of the self’s “For decades now, America’s health care system has been migrating toward socialism. Your well-being shape, and condition have increasingly been deemed matters of “public health” instead of matters of personal responsibility”(Balko 467). He says that all democratic candidates for president boasted plans to push heath care more in to public sector to make the sates charge less money for the insurance who are healthy, other people’s health problems are effecting Balko’s health insurance go up. The best way to remove public obesity is remove public health he says that it does not belong there any way; the public don’t care about what people put into their body’s, the public only cares when they are asked to pay for the consequences of those