What's Cooking Movie Analysis

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What’s Cooking in Diversity? . Does your neighborhood has a lot of diversity in it? In America there are a few diverse neighborhoods around us, there are not as many as it should be. I believe every city and every state should have more diverse neighborhoods, so that when their child(ren) grow up they would not just be used to living around one culture. That may also cause them to expand their horizon and exploring different countries to learn different cultures and where they came from. Another reason is because some children grow up racists just because they are not used to be around a certain culture. In the movie “what’s cooking” is a great example of what it is like to have a very diverse neighborhood. Even though some people would say there was no diversity in”What’s Cooking”, there was all type of diversity throughout this movie because of the different ways that each family would celebrate a holiday, they all were friends or knew each other, and there was a different cultured family on each corner of the street that they lived on. In this movie the four families were celebrating the holiday Thanksgiving in many different ways than you would image. There was a Jewish family, a Vietnamese family, an African American family, and a …show more content…

At the end they all came out of their homes and came together when they heard a gunshot coming from Gary’s home. They were all there for each other when it was time. Also they could talk to get other when there was a need for them to do so. At the end everyone was checked on and checked in safe no one was hurt which was a good thing. Even though some people would say there was no diversity in”What’s Cooking”, there was all type of diversity throughout this movie because of the different ways that each family would celebrate a holiday, they all were friends or knew each other, and there was a different cultured family on each corner of the street that they lived