What's Wrong With Tolerance Analysis

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The general idea discussed in What’s Wrong with Tolerance chapter, centers around the concept of tolerance being problematic and perpetrating hate. The authors use the accepted idea of tolerance to show how it breeds non-acceptance. The authors give the impression that tolerance allows the individual who tolerates to keep a discriminatory but beneficial social hierarchy intact. While at the same time evoking or claiming a superior disposition because they tolerate the intolerable. Throughout the chapter the authors present solid reasoning on why tolerance should be phased out and freedom advocated as the replacement. There are many ideas presented in the chapter that establish the authors reasoning for wanting to abolish the concept of tolerance. The first argument establishes that tolerance creates us vs them mentality. Tolerance does not eradicate nor question hatred. It only holds the structure of hatred in place while allowing those claiming to be tolerant to appear saintly. While still withholding rights and social privileges from other groups to keep comfort levels of the majority high, without actually threatening the structure, which keeps those who are …show more content…

Violence again is not an expression of hate but shows how people have failed at being tolerant or at least it is framed that way in debate. People do not behave in problematic and threating ways because they hate that person. They behave that way because they feel threatened. It is the idea that you do not engage unless you feel threaten. But, the fear of threat comes from the belief that you are different from that person and must fear them. Tolerance allows this fear to exist because it maintains the structure of difference. The difference is just accepted until it is not, then an individual who dose not accept is labeled extreme or they are the object of tolerance and excluded from the general