
When Chris Mccandless Was A Transcendentalist

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There are many different ways to describe and characterize a person, but Chris Mccandless was unique in several ways. Some may say he was a nutcase, an outcast, or even a sociopath, however, I strongly disagree. He was something so much more. Chris Mccandless was a transcendentalist. For people who may not know, transcendentalism is a philosophy which says that thought and spiritual things are more real than ordinary human experience and material things. They have the ability to understand something without the need for conscious reasoning. On May 12, 1990, Chris graduated from Emory University and, at that time, lived with his sister, Carine, and his parents. He was very different from his family and did not get along with them, especially his dad, Walt Mccandless. Walt was a very high class man that cared way too much about money and how others viewed him. He had so many hopes and dreams for his son, but they weren't exactly what Chris had in mind. Chris didn't care so much for …show more content…

His goal was to live off the land and keep a journal of his physical and spiritual progress as he faced the Alaskan Wilderness and the forces of nature. He was determined to make his dream come true. “An epic journey that would change everything.” In July of 1990, is when Chris Mccandless started his adventure. After graduating at Emory University, he donated the $25,000 savings he was suppose to use for law school to charity, gets in his car, and drives away without telling anyone where he was going. Not long after that, he abandoned his car along with the use of his real name, Chris Mccandless, and became known as Alex Supertramp. Chris said, “I don’t want to know what time it is. I don’t want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters.” He wanted to venture out and find out who he really was and not what his parents made him to

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