Who Is Brofrenbrenner's Model?

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Her Circle, was inspired by Brofrenbrenner’s Egological Systems Theory, Piaget’s stages of development, the art of storytelling, and the process of creating a mandala. Brofrenbrenner’s multidimensional model of development is represented by a circular diagram, which centers on the perspective of a child. “There are many different levels of environmental influences that can affect a child’s development, starting from people and institutions that immediately surround the individual all the way to nationwide cultural forces” (Durau, 2015). The model is based on inner influences and external influences, which are separated into five parts: Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. Her Circle follows a girl as she explores the inner workings of Brofrenbrenner’s model as different realms in real-time. Her realm in the Microsystem, is the only world she knows and where she is happiest. The Microsystem is considered to be the most influential, as it includes the factors that directly affect the child, such as their family, peers, school, church, health services, and neighborhood play area (Durau, 2015). Brofrennbrenner’s diagram resembles that of a Mandala. "The tibetan word for mandala is kyilkhor. Kyil means 'center', khor means 'fringe', 'gestalt', …show more content…

According to Piaget, between ages 2-7, children are in what he called the Preoccupational Stage. In this stage, children’s' thoughts and communications are typically about themselves and they often have difficulties thinking about more than one aspect of any situation at the same time. Within this stage, the child has an inability to see a situation from another person's point of view, also known as egocentrism. According to Piaget’s theory, it would be difficult for a child to notice much outside of their