Who Is Huck's Relationship In Huckleberry Finn

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Friends by Circumstances In a person’s life, relationships form through experiences, interactions, and emotions, but are limited by the conscience. A dog and master relationship never becomes a different relationship due to the unorthodox thinking a dog could surpass his inferiority to his master. An example of a relationship formed by the conscience is the friendship of Huck Finn and Jim is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Despite critic Lionel Trilling’s observation saying, Jim is Huck’s true father, it is incorrect because Jim is only Huck’s friend due to their trips on the raft, Jim and Huck’s past, and their consciences. First of all, Jim is not Huck’s true father since their experiences rafting down the Mississippi River prove otherwise. Huck has to constantly safeguard and conceal Jim from the slave hunters, curious bystanders, other raft livers, and more in fear of them turning Jim in (Twain). This is the opposite of a father and son relationship because Huck embraced the role as a father. Also, Huck plays tricks on Jim like a friend would do to a friend while they are floating down the river. One night a fog appeared and they separated but Huck located Jim and pretended they never lost each other: “Well, I think you’re here, plain enough , but I think you’re a …show more content…

Jim loves Huck, but with the way Jim was raised and treated his conscience was transformed into believing that acting like a father to a white superior boy was not allowed. The same goes for Huck, he definitely cares for Jim, but with his upbringing and circumstances his brain was trained to think of Jim as a friend and only a friend. Jim and Huck have so many experiences, interactions, and memories that make their friendship unbreakable, and for Huck, having a true friend is better than a true