Who Is Rene Descartes Dream Argument

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Rene Descartes was a great philosopher who is known for creating systemic doubts of the world around us. The purpose of the perpetual doubts was to scrutinize any belief and statements that an individual view as truthful. Descartes writings have been the backbone of arguments for skepticism since they were first brought to light, in particular skepticism born about the existence of an external world. In his first meditation Descartes introduces the idea that we cannot know for certain about the existence of an external world since he explains how he cannot distinguish dreaming from waking life in occasion, therefore, all the experiences he beliefs to be of waking life could be nothing but a mere dream. Descartes bases his argument on the fact that there is no feature that can shows us and give us the certainty that waking life is different from dreaming. Since there is no difference between being awake and dreaming, we cannot know that we are not dreaming all our experiences. It then follows that we have no criterion to know about the existence of an external world because it could be just a dream. Descartes argument in my opinion is an example of a good argument, the dream …show more content…

For example, when one is dreaming its often as a spectator of the dream and there exists no free will to do as one desires. An individual has no control over the dream. Therefore, we can differentiate dreaming from reality by our ability to do the things we want. Yet, even though that is a difference how can we be certain that it is a difference between dreaming and waking life, and not just the difference between two dreams. Since we can be having a dream within a dream this difference would only create an illusion of our own ability to judge dreaming based on our