Who Is Rodger's Loss Of Innocence In Lord Of The Flies

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LOTF ESSAY Jadon Griffith P6 Robinette Rodger, a young boy with a ruthless heart, influenced by others to murder an innocent boy. Lord of the Flies, a novel written by William Golding, where a group of young boys from the U.K land on an abandoned island where they are forced to work together to survive. One of these boys, Rodger, is a boy influenced by an evil leader, Jack, to hurt and kill at all costs, resulting in innocent Piggy’s death. Most boys on the island are forced to do things they never wanted to do as young boys. Rodger is a perfect example of one of them. Rodger started out as a good school boy and through his experiences and his evil heart, he was brought to losing his innocence and committing acts of violence. Through …show more content…

Roger’s unforgivable actions take away his innocence and leave him with an unforgiving heart. Similarly young people today face the same challenges. In the modern world, even children as young as toddlers are exposed to …show more content…

In Lord of the Flies, every character has an evil within them. Just like all of us, Rodger was born with an evil inside of him. Rodgers evil side is shown when, “Roger stooped, picked up a stone aimed and threw it at Henry(62).” Rodger’s evil nature is apparent in the way he enjoys hurting and scaring boys. He loves to do it. The second he was placed into an environment where he could commit these cruel acts upon others he took the opportunity. To add to my last point ; many people are much more evil than you believe they are in the world we live in. In the real world, the person sitting beside you, drinking a cup of joe could be a serial killer or a rapist. The article, “The Evil in Man” explains my point in depth : “If given an opportunity to answer the dark whisper in your mind, the one that aches to know how complete, utter power over another human life feels… Can we say with certainty that there has never been someone who has said yes? Can we? No. For there is something of an internal evil in all of us, regardless of whether we choose to embrace or suppress it, it is there.” The truth is, anyone of our neighbors could be an evil monster-the pizza delivery man, the uber driver, or even the pastor at your church. Roger, in Lord of the Flies, is an example of the evil that lives among us. When given the opportunity to act in an environment where rules don't apply, many will act badly like Rodger did. Although one could make