Who Is The Founder Of The Lincoln Company

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Continuing Influence of the Founders of the Company

The Lincoln Company is known for its People-Oriented Culture. An example of the Company's culture that is still in use today would be how James Lincoln would have employees elect representatives to a committee that would advise him on company operations. Another great example of the culture still in use would be The Lincoln Electric Employees Association. The Association has been providing health benefits and social activities for employees since 1919. The company has a strong respect for employee rights and in turn employees are more likely to work efficiently and turn-over is low. With Lincoln's bonus plan management system workers have a good reason to work hard and have a vested interest in the success of the business and product.

The Golden Rule

Prominently displayed throughout the business are the Lincoln Company motto's …show more content…

The earnings of each employee are in-accordance with their accomplishments. Money is a status of success and Lincoln pays its employees better than most. Through these management incentive styles, benefits and pay allow for employee success and a cohesive and efficient workforce. Through the company employee performance and productivity the Lincoln company can fulfill its customer needs. What is paid to the employee is what he has earned. Bonus incentives allow for a productive atmosphere and employees focused on completing the days tasks and improving the day to day business.

The Performance Appraisal System.

Lincoln employees have exceptional worker performance. Each worker stays busy and thoughtfully completes their individual tasks, with little to no idle conversations and extra breaks. The workers are knowledgeable about their particular task and able to complete each job unaided. This allows the supervisors to plan and manage the daily functions of the business. Everything runs efficiently and with little to no wasted