Paths To Union Renewal Book Review

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The topic of union renewal has been a topic of debate in many developed countries. The authors research is based within the global perspective while also focusing on domestic context. Today in Canada the subject of union renewal strategies has been slow to develop because domestic unions have not suffered the same kind of weakening as unions outside of other countries have. Unions outside of multiple countries have faced harsh insecurity about their futures. The book title, Paths to union renewal, explains and talks about significant themes and issues about Canadian union. This book relates to the responses and initiatives Canadian unions have in the relation to the current political economy of trade unionism. This book gives a clear insight …show more content…

The chapters are collection of case studies which are mainly written by participants those who engaged in struggles to refocus their trade unions. The first part of the book focuses on the overview of union renewal and details that are associated with the process. Both authors Schenk and Kumar provided a clear comprehensive with the introduction to union change and the renewal strategies that are used throughout this book. Ides are highlighted and explained in ways how unions face challenges, with this is draws a particular attention to union democracy and education. Part two is about series of case studies which are put into context and then turned into a clear analysis which help reader understand which issues are happening in unions and why they are taking place. Case studies include both public and private sector, which result in a overview of challenges unions face. These cases focus on questioning unions, highlighting key reasoning, and contesting different approaches for union renewal. The last two sections focus on different campaigns and organizing methods while dealing with education and leadership programs. The notion of union- community is looked at through the worker’s action center in Toronto and Canadian Postal worker’s unions centre in …show more content…

These studies identify a range of critical questions that address trade unionism today. Further themes such as campaigning, leadership and education play a key role throughout this book. Themes that were mention stimulate debate and become a key point of reference in both academic and practical debates about union renewal. In the last sections the themes are broadened out, which study questions relating to leadership development and union education. The focus on education is very significant in this book because it looks at the research in the processes of renewal. The last section themes of leadership and education are furthered explored. This book has an important part to debate related to union renewal, it has the value of providing a mix of conceptual clarification and observed elaboration. Such themes and differences are grounded and found in different materials throughout that book that related back to ideological realities and exemplify different forms of unionism, themes that are the core of debates about the future of unionism. Social democracy was a topic that can be related to the future of work course. In this course we will be looking at social democracy in a way where its going to be about giving people more control over there lives. It also includes involving workers making decisions, sharing tasks and authority within a workplace. The