
Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Love comes in different forms, just because one has not felt love before does not mean they do not care for each other. Love is an experience everyone must feel. In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare tells a story of a pair of death-marked lovers. Romeo and Juliet fall in love despite the long feud between their families. After Romeo is exiled for the murder of Tybalt, (Cousin of Juliet) a plan is put in place for Juliet and Romeo to meet again. However, the plan fails. In the play, there were many characters that had a connection to the end of the two lovers. In my opinion, the characters that had the most impact on the fated death of these two characters are Friar Laurence and Tybalt. Tybalt’s fight with Romeo was to blame, ending up with …show more content…

He promised himself he would confront Romeo. He spots Romeo out on the streets and comes to threaten him. Mercutio is insulted in the crossfire and a fight ensues. Tybalt kills Mercutio, and shortly after his death Romeo hunts Tybalt down and has a fight. Ultimately winning and taking Tybalt's life. This would cause Romeo to be exiled and if he was ever seen in Verona again he would be captured and killed. After finding out about the murder of Tybalt, Prince Escalus says “And for that offense immediately we do exile him hence.” (Act 3, Scene 1). This quote shows the punishment that was given to Romeo. It would push Romeo and Juliet further apart. Upsetting both of them. Furthermore, after Juliet would be set to marry Paris, she confides in Friar Laurence. “O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris… Tell me not of fear!” (Act 4, Scene 1). This would show how desperate Juliet was. She absolutely did not want to marry Paris, she was willing to kill herself to avoid it. The exile of Romeo and the depressive state that Juliet was in after finding her cousin killed by her husband changed Lord Capulet's mind to marry Paris and Juliet. Leading to the plan thought out by Friar Laurence that would kill both Romeo and

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