
Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Throughout “Romeo and Juliet” families are tested, love kills, and every person plays a role in the eventual death of “Romeo and Juliet”. During the play Romeo falls in love with Juliet on the other hand their families have long hated each other. R & J’s love is strong but their family’s hatred is stronger eventually leading to their bitter end. One sole person doesn't cause the end of R & J’s life but rather a combination of events leading to their demise. However, the play shows certain characters playing bigger roles in the end, including Romeo, the Friar, and Tybalt. Here the author states, “For almost every situation in their world there is someone to blame.” This evidence shows how each character contributed to the unfortunate death of Romeo and Juliet. It is impossible to blame one person, each and every decision made shapes the roles of the characters in the play. One of the characters that played a major role in their demise is Romeo. I know this because Max Radlicaz states, “Romeo decides to avenge Mercutio’s death by killing Tybalt.” In doing so Romeo sets off a chain reaction. Setting off multiple events leading to his death including, getting banished, putting unnecessary stress on the families, and causing Juliett to have to find a way to be with him which means she has to take the poison eventually leading to their deaths. …show more content…

He played a major role due to the fact that he decided to marry Romeo and Juliet. To demonstrate my claim Max Radlicaz states, “The Friar knows marrying quickly can have negative consequences.” The supporting evidence shows how even the Friar knew the consequences yet he still went through with marrying them. Another fact that the friar was involved in the eventual death of R & J would be he gave Juliet the poison and prompted her to take it, even coming up with the plan himself essentially condemning them to death. Therefore he played a major role in their unnecessary

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