
Who Was Responsible For The Trial Of James Gatz

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James Gatz, 30, had been killed in the Fall of 1922, and he did in fact deserve it. Gatz was not an honest man and always kept his secrets, and he even died with a few of them. For those who do not know, this man was in fact a criminal responsible for many crimes, one specifically was aggravated vehicular manslaughter. James Gatz is responsible for bootlegging, a federal crime as it directly violates one of the acting Amendments of the United States Constitution at the time. Not only that, but James Gatz lies about his past throughout the story. As Gatz speaks lies about how he was from a rich family and how innocent he was, proves that James Gatz compulsively lies to protect his reputation. “ ‘Well, I tried to swing the wheel-’ He broke off, and suddenly I guessed the truth. ‘Was Daisy driving?’ ‘Yes,(...) but of course I’ll say I was’ (...) ” (Fitzgerald 143). It is interesting how James Gatz had just said he is responsible for the car incident, and then totally refutes the statement. In the past, Gatz had always lied to the people he was close to, to keep a positive reputation. The only proof that refutes Gatz was driving that car, is based on his own word, saying that he …show more content…

This witness observed the hit and run crime scene, and they stated, “the car passed me down the road, going faster’n forty. Going fifty, sixty” (Fitzgerald 139). For those who don’t know, Daisy is not known for driving at all, and she has always had a paid driver that drove her everywhere. Even to Gatz’s home for when they had their affair, Daisy was not driving herself. However, in this scene, the car is speeding, which is definitely something that Gatz would do. Gatz throughout the book is always is driving way faster than the speed limit. In addition, it is known that the driver was in fact drunk. Now by killing Myrtle, the definition of Aggravated Vehicular Manslaughter is now

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