Who Was The Balance Of Power In Julius Caesar

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The Roman government, before Caesar, was led by consuls to balance power so there were no dictators. Dictatorship was only relied on in times of war, so quick decisions could be reached. Below the consuls stood those who managed judicial matters, the praetors. There were also senators, the legislative body. The republican government was set up to balance powers. Yet, when senators felt the power was uneven with Caesar they took matters into their own hands. In 49 B.C. Caesar started a civil war and then three months later controlled the Italian peninsula. In 47 B.C. Caesar established Cleopatra as his Egyptian ruler. He defeated his North African enemies and established his authority. He declared himself “ruler for life” in February in 44 B.C. He might’ve even been trying to start a cult in his honor. The Senate was enraged over his great power. The senators felt that was enough to get him killed. So, it was no surprise when the 60 members began planning his demise. …show more content…

Occasionally, a handful of members would gather together in someones house and plot. The suggestions for the murder varied: should they kill him when he was on his favorite walk or when he was by a bridge at election time? He had already dismissed his security awhile before, leaving him much more vulnerable for the attack. They knew they must work fast, for Caesar was leaving on the 18th of March for Parthia and had members of his army ruling in his absence (which was another reason they were just so bitter) So one day, they determined they’d hide knives in their robes and attack him, on the Ides of