Who Was To Blame For Titanic Research Paper

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On April 12 1912 the Titanic set sail for America. There were 2229 persons on the ship before it sank, and out of the 2229 people on board only 706 survived. 1503 people died do to people believing that the ship was not able to sink. It was said that even god himself could not sink that ship. They would be proven wrong on April 14-15 a ship that took over 3000 men and two years for this ship to see the ocean. Sadly it only was able to see it for three days before it split in two and sank 12,600 feet below the ocean's surface. On board the ship there was a man Mr Anthony Wood Frost he was a maintenance man he made sure that all the machines ran smoothly. Before he came to the Titanic he had four children and a wife. He died on that ship the titanic and sadly to this day if his body is found it will be unrecognisable. …show more content…

She set sail from New york at 1:30 PM on April 11 heading for Queenstown. During this voyage around 9:00 A.M a message from the steamer Caronia sputtered into the wireless shack” Captain, Titanic-Westbound steamers report bergs growlers and field ice 42 degrees N. from 49 degrees to 51 degrees W. 12th April. Around 11:40 PM the Titanic struck an iceberg it shook the entire ship from front the back and bottom to top. Some people didn't care they believed she was unsinkable those who believed that and chose to stay in their rooms and not go up top after this or within the hour died. As crew members had sealed off the lower decks so that lower class members couldn't go up top and fight for a lifeboat. It mostly worked as most of the first and second class people made it off as the lower class had no chance to survive this disaster as they didn't