
Why And Why Did They Form The Reformation?

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Christianity is the most popular religion in the world with a total of 2.4 billion followers. With this many people following one religion it is evitable for there to be a difference in opinions on topics within their religion. These differences became evident in 1517 with Martin Luther. Martin wanted to open a discussion though to the Catholics this meant war. Though how did they form this war and why? Well the formation and consistency can be attributed to John Calvin. Still, why was such a movement needed? The reformation was a necessary part in building the modern church because of the Roman Catholic Church. At the time the Catholics were implementing practices to be required when they were not required in Scripture which was essentially …show more content…

The Catholics believed the Pope was ordained by God therefore his authority was absolute. If his power was absolute then anyone who was challenging his power was a heretic and was disobeying God himself. Therefore the Catholics were very closed minded to the Reformers ideologies. Even though they thought this way, they should have taken the Reformation into consideration. They should have done so because the Pope being “ordained by God” is not one of the founding pillars in Christianity, nor is it in the Bible. The second reason the Catholics should have taken the Reformer’s ideologies into consideration is because in[(Luke 17:1-4) NIV] not to give false teachings which is exactly what the Catholics were doing. Though in their folly they could not see their fallacies, which was why Calvin and Zwingli had given up on the Roman Catholic Church. They did this not out of laziness but because of Proverbs 26:4-5. We can clearly see the Catholic Church did not think of themselves with sober mindedness as Roman 12:3 instructs us to. Therefore the reasons why the Roman Catholic Church was anti-reformation was because of their ignorance. They were sheep which had been led astray by the wolf in sheep's clothing which Jesus had warned us about. (Matt …show more content…

Once this happened they began to follow him. Many Christians who supported the Reform believed in Calvin’s teachings. These Christains wanted to help Calvin build a church. They were willing to go to war for such a cause. Now this raises the question: why would they do such things? This is because the group of Christains supporting Calvin read Matthew 16:24 “Then Jesus said to his disciples, " Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” This verse is saying we must struggle and have a relationship with Jesus. Christians saw these crucial Bible verses and made the connection between Calvin’s teaching and how it follows the teaching of Jesus Christ found in Scripture itself. Now that we have established how Calvin’s teaching influenced Christians supporting the reformation it would be wise to examine who these groups of Christians are. These groups of Christians consist of the Puritans in England, the Presbyertians in Scotland, the Dutch Reformed movement, the Huguenots in France and the Pilgrims in America.Meaning Calvin’s teaching has influenced most of Western thought. Which means Calvin has helped an entire hemisphere get to know the Almighty God-of-the-Angel-Armies. Now we know who Calvin influenced. It is important to know who influenced

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