Why Are Cops Selfish

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Do you seriously don’t know what the heck has gotten into polices head. My issue what cops are selfishness, laziness, weak, and just not doing their job. Cops can be selfish often when they think you committed a crime just because you 're black, or they just assume, and have no proof. They have no evidence, no proof, no clues. And sometimes when there’s a case not even that big, they think they can just take their own little time. They think, oh ok, so this man just got robbed, and this type of things happens everyday, so it 's really not a be deal right. WRONG. Cops are not trustful, not worthy of calling, and they never do their job. This is frustrating, stupid, annoying, and it makes me sick.

It seems to me when there’s a big case that needs to be looked into, cops normally don’t get enough evidence. And it’s like to solve a case, or to find out things, that’s what you need. Then they come to you like this is what happened then that happened. He got killed, she got killed. You need proof. Where’s the evidence. I’m not liking the way cops are doing their job these days. They think they can say this, and say that and case closed. Case unfinished, and case is unfinished. You also need to be looking for clues to help …show more content…

So, you know how you’re in a bad situation, and you really need the cops to come. In today 's world of needing help from the cops to come to your house like now, cops think that, oh ok i really don’t feel like rushing to go to this man 's house, so I’ll just go when i feel like it. They know one second that they have a house to go to, then 5 minutes later they’re like, well it’s kinda my break time so they gonna have to wait until I finish my little turkey sandwich. NO. When I call the police, I expect the cops to be out and about to the situation that a person would be in,, including mine. And it’s like you 're really close to being killed by a criminal, the cops aren’t there to help you live. Then soon as they get to your house, you be dead on