Why Are Honor Codes Important

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Honor Honor is the main source of success in life. Many colleges implement honor codes to help maintain academic integrity in their schools. These honor codes hold students responsible for being honest, genuine, and original in their own personal works. Honor codes require other students to watch their peers and report of any cheating they witness. Many schools execute honor codes by having a board of students that act as a jury to decide if a student is guilty of cheating. The purpose of an honor code is to help students learn how to be honorable in their live, making them successful. However, honor codes do not provide a sufficient amount of security against cheating, nor do they promote integrity. Honor codes stop collaboration, encourage cheating, and pose an unfair burden on students. Collaboration is an important part of any occupation. Working together can help peers gain more knowledge through learning through each other, and working more efficiently. Honor codes discourage teamwork, and cause individuals to solely rely on themselves. The University of Maryland has an honor code that states, “I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized …show more content…

Students are faced with more stress and unnecessary responsibilities. Honor codes stop students from learning many important communication skills, due to the fear of getting in trouble for plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration. Likewise, students are tempted to cheat by honor codes, due to the loose restrictions during exams. Students can take the test on their own time, and without a professor, meaning temptation will become increasingly hard to repress. Furthermore, students are forced to disclose their close peers for cheating, which cause tensions between classmates. Students should not be forced to abide to honor codes. Honor codes lead to less teamwork, more cheating, and preventable tensions between

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